Imagine a blend of Exclusive Yachting lifestyle, Dutch Beauty & Companionship.
These are the perfect ingredients to experience an exclusive nautical companionship with
an intimate spark.
Yacht Companion International B.V. is your companion to facilitate this experience. We
are the gateway to combine yachting with exclusive companionship in a transparent and
professional way.
Amy and Pascal are the founders of Yacht Companion International B.V., and they joined
forces to combine their know-how of Yachting and Exclusive companionship to offer you
the best nautical companion experience.
We match professional and elite companion models who are skilled in yachting etiquette.
These Dutch ‘Yacht Girls’ can accompany you or your clients on their yachting
adventures, bringing grace, sophistication, and a polished presence that enhances every
aspect of the journey.
In the architecture of a ship, the companion is the entry point to reach another level of
the ship. Are you looking for another level of nautical companionship?
Then get on board, cast off and we head out.
Navigating into your exclusive nautical adventure, your Yacht Companion: “The best
awaits on the water.”
With love,
Pascal & Amy